" Where are we without creativity? We are nowhere! we are dead! We cannot survive without
creativity! " ( Jean-Daniel Lafond, when touring VIVO media arts centre with his wife
Her Excellency Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada  Sept 09)

41.-"My theatre company, will suffer greatly due to arts cuts"
44.-"Cuts impact my future career in museums and libraries and opportunities for education and literacy"
45.-"I am affected because now that there is reduced funding our offices have closed, our festival
       moved, our staff laid off and I am working very hard as a volunteer"
51.-"Productions are already smaller"
52.-"I am a puppeteer hoping to have a career in puppetry. Just about to embark on the process of grant
        writing, but I am now considering moving to the Yukon and living in very squalor places so that I
         may make a tiny difference in people as opposed to a big one"
61.-"It was very weird and surreal. I felt a little scared, like I am foreshadowing something which will
       come to be!!!"
63.-"A metaphor for me to follow , falling in the company of friends."
67.- "I live and die the arts. The real thing, baby! Don't forget that we actually exist!"
68.-"I make my living performing. It's that simple"
72.-"The Fringe deserves support"
73."I shall have less spaces and opportunities to share art- I shall miss having places to be with other
      artists. I am sad that we are all undervalued"
74.-"As an art student + volunteer at VIVO I've felt the devastating changes that have occurred since
       the budget cuts"
75.-"I'm a cultural worker & artist but more to the point I'm a listener and audience member
        engaged with the thoughts & expressions of my peers.
        I'm concerned about the blow to civics
        I'm concerned about the loss of free spaces
        I'm concerned about the devaluation of ideas
        I'm concerned about the fundamental misunderstanding of what art is and how it relates to economy"
77.-"Less money for Big Brother, more money for art. Period"
82.-"There go my grants"
83.-"Already lost dance work + worried that my city is going to be a boring + commercial place!"
91.-"Newly self-discovered artist with what's looking like a bleak future"
92.-"Pissed off performer"
103.-"I am an artist, when art dies, my soul dies. Although when funding get cut, the real troopers come out.
         We are going to make art whether we live or whether we die"
106.-"Want to leave B.C."
107.-"Where are we without creativity?! We are nowhere! we are dead!! we cannot survive without
          creativity!" ( Jean-Daniel Lafond, at VIVO media arts centre Sept 09)
108.-"I die without art"
109.-"Everything that we humans as animals as who we think is creaitve- Art makes the world go round
          without it, the world as we know it goes gray"
112.-"I am depressed- art is the glue that holds us all together"
113.-"I want my tax money to go to art, not killing people in Afghanistan"
114.-"Funding cuts thin ur the wheat from the chaff"
117.-"The cuts haulted my idea/dream to open an art space- no funding= no art space"
118.-"My students + my community involvement in artist-run centres + friends lost jobs"
119.-"Loss of places to show my work with fellow artists and friends."
121.-"Moving back tp Vancouver during the cuts and pre-olympic climateis strange. I'm not despairing yet.
122.-"Art is not the elitist club it seems determined to become. Let us all participate and not make art into a
          business to destroy itself"
124.-"Creation is life"
125.-"I am so glad, I'm not actually dead"
128.-"¡UN CRIMEN!"
131.-"Less is never more"
132.-"Can't imagine a world without art. There would be nothing left to look at"
133.-"I'm worried about the future"
134.-"If they cut anymore that this the world will loose all colour. People NEED imagination, the arts provide
         that for us. KEEP ART ALIVE"
138.-"Art world conscience non objectors unite!"
139.-"Narrowing of possible worlds- no chance to imagine is depressing"
140.-"The cuts cut off creative worthwile communication between individuals in our society"
142.-"Dullness, lifelessness, vaculty, boredom, void, loss, emptiness"
144.-"after her performance " Im high on sugar without art there is only blackness"
147.-"Librarian who supports and serves artists and art students"
152.-"Passionate observer. I need something to observe. I advocate that people have a chance to observe
          the emerging culture around them- i.e. art."
155.-"Effect: I'm more artsy and more creative you f*%$^#!"
157.-"Art, as much as economy is an essential way humans have of nourishing ourselves and forging
          connections. If we fail to fund art we are choosing for ourselves the fate of the dinosaurs"
158.-"Art changes our perception an can offer a critical resistance to existing institutions"
159.-"I refuse to accept it permanently and I feel that it will change yet again, especially as it has been a
          catalyst for action/reaction"
161.-"I HeART the song of all voices"
164.-"Cuts to cultural activities limits the access of everyone to the meaning that art can provide to all aspects
         of life"
165.-"Art will die but be reborn"
166.-"Artist cuts could mean my partner's job... and my friends' jobs... and my job..."
167.-"Cuts in funding means artists will leave BC when sports retractable roofs seem more important"
170.-"Equality, please. I will strive to do the same"
175.-"I am a freelance dancer, arts cuts affect me getting work and arts grants"
181.-"Many arts org's I have worked for, and hopefully will work for have been severely hampered by the
         cuts. It grieves me that the gov't doesnt value art more!'
185.-"I make my living in the arts working with many community groups. These cuts make our efforts
         impossible & make me feel devalued"
186.-"Fuck Campbell with love"